Reinaldo Ferreira

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Reinaldo Ferreira is a director, producer and screenwriter, known for Hipnotismo ao Domicílio (1927), Rita ou Rito?... (1927) and O Táxi 9297 (1927).

Reinaldo Ferreira

  • Name: Reinaldo Ferreira

Reinaldo Ferreira's filmography


Reinaldo is listed as director for four titles.

Rita ou Rito?...

Rita ou Rito?...
Movie, 1927

O Táxi 9297

O Táxi 9297
Movie, 1927

Vigário Sport Club

Vigário Sport Club
Movie, 1927

Find all movies with Reinaldo Ferreira as director.


Reinaldo is listed as producer for two titles.

Rita ou Rito?...

Rita ou Rito?...
Movie, 1927

O Táxi 9297

O Táxi 9297
Movie, 1927

Find all movies with Reinaldo Ferreira as producer.


Reinaldo is listed as screenwriter for one title.

Rita ou Rito?...

Rita ou Rito?...
Movie, 1927

Find all movies with Reinaldo Ferreira as screenwriter.