Ardeshir Irani

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Ardeshir Irani is a director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer, known for Ferdowsi (1934), The Iran of Yesterday and the Iran of Today (1933) and Alam Ara (1931).

Ardeshir Irani

  • Name: Ardeshir Irani

Ardeshir Irani's filmography


Ardeshir is listed as director for three titles.

Find all movies with Ardeshir Irani as director.


Ardeshir is listed as producer for three titles.

Find all movies with Ardeshir Irani as producer.


Ardeshir is listed as screenwriter for one title.

Alam Ara

Alam Ara
Movie, 1931

Find all movies with Ardeshir Irani as screenwriter.


Ardeshir is listed as cinematographer for one title.

Bulbule Paristan

Bulbule Paristan
Movie, 1926

Find all movies with Ardeshir Irani as cinematographer.