The Quiet Earth
The film "The Quiet Earth" is a 91 minute drama / sci-fi / mystery from 1985, directed by Geoff Murphy. The main cast consists of Pete Smith, Alison Routledge and Anzac Wallace.
The Quiet Earth
- Directed by: Geoff Murphy
- Main cast: Pete Smith, Alison Routledge, Anzac Wallace
- Written by: Bill Baer, Sam Pillsbury
- Cinematography: James Bartle
- Music: John Ierardi
Release Dates
The Quiet Earth premiered in cinemas on October 18, 1985.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in october 1985 or premiered in cinemas 1985.
Cast & Crew
We know about 12 people who worked on "The Quiet Earth";
Directed by
Written by
- Alison Routledge ... Joanne
- Anzac Wallace ... Api's Mate
- Norman Fletcher ... Perrin
- Pete Smith ... Api
- Tom Hyde ... Scientist
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