The film "Telegrame" is a 76 minute comedy from 1960, directed by Aurel Miheleș and Gheorghe Naghi. The main cast consists of Costache Antoniu, Alexandru Giugaru and Grigore Vasiliu-Birlic.
- Directed by: Aurel Miheleș, Gheorghe Naghi
- Main cast: Costache Antoniu, Alexandru Giugaru, Grigore Vasiliu-Birlic
- Title: Telegrame
- Year: 1960
- Genres: Comedy
- Duration: 1h 16m
Cast & Crew
We know about 13 people who worked on "Telegrame";
Directed by
- Alexandru Giugaru ... Procurarul
- Carmen Stănescu ... Atenaisa Perjoiu
- Costache Antoniu ... Avocatul statului
- Draga Olteanu Matei
- Florin Vasiliu ... Turturel
- Grigore Vasiliu-Birlic ... Costachel Gudurau
- Marcel Anghelescu ... Popic
- Mircea Șeptilici ... Ministrul Justitiei
- Nicky Atanasiu ... Raul Grigorascu
- Ștefan Ciubotărașu ... Cafegiul
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