The Return
The film "The Return" is a 104 minute action from 1992, directed by Jens Jørgen Thorsen. The main cast consists of Jed Curtis, Marco Di Stefano, Jacob Haugaard and Johnny Melville.
The Return
- Directed by: Jens Jørgen Thorsen
- Main cast: Jed Curtis, Marco Di Stefano, Jacob Haugaard, Johnny Melville
- Cinematography: Jesper Høm
- Title: The Return
- Original Title: Jesus vender tilbage
- Year: 1992
- Genres: Action
- Duration: 1h 44m
Cast & Crew
We know about 11 people who worked on "The Return";
Directed by
- Jacob Haugaard ... Billy Graham
- Jed Curtis ... The pope
- Jim Russell ... US General
- John Hahn-Petersen ... The prison priest
- Johnny Melville ... The preacher
- Marco Di Stefano ... Jesus
- Paul Hagen ... The protestant priest
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