Ghost-Cat of Karakuri Tenjo
The film "Ghost-Cat of Karakuri Tenjo" is a horror from 1958, directed by Kinnosuke Fukada. The main cast consists of Ryūnosuke Tsukigata.
Ghost-Cat of Karakuri Tenjo
- Directed by: Kinnosuke Fukada
- Main cast: Ryūnosuke Tsukigata
- Title: Ghost-Cat of Karakuri Tenjo
- Year: 1958
- Genres: Horror
Cast & Crew
We know about 11 people who worked on "Ghost-Cat of Karakuri Tenjo";
Directed by
- Kanji Koshiba
- Masao Mishima
- Ryūnosuke Tsukigata ... Komori Hanzaemon
- Shin Tokudaiji
- Sumiko Suzuki ... Akishino
- Takamaru Sasaki
- Tsukie Matsuura ... Okura
- Ushio Akashi
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