À vot' bon coeur
The film "À vot' bon coeur" is a 95 minute comedy from 2004, directed by Paul Vecchiali. The main cast consists of Jacqueline Danno, Catherine Lachens and Hélène Surgère.
À vot' bon coeur
- Directed by: Paul Vecchiali
- Main cast: Jacqueline Danno, Catherine Lachens, Hélène Surgère
- Title: À vot' bon coeur
- Year: 2004
- Genres: Comedy
- Duration: 1h 35m
Cast & Crew
We know about 14 people who worked on "À vot' bon coeur";
Directed by
- Béatrice Bruno
- Catherine Lachens
- Fabienne Babe
- Françoise Lebrun
- Hélène Surgère ... Concierge
- Jacqueline Danno
- Jean-Christophe Bouvet
- Michel Delahaye
- Nicolas Silberg
- Paul Vecchiali ... Monsieur Paul
- Serge Feuillard
- Thérèse Roussel
- Ysé Tran ... Concierge's friend
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