Cinema Premieres week 19 1916

Current cinema premieres in week 19 1916, like The Gilded Spider, The Huntress of Men, The Snowbird, Her Sister's Rival and Jerry's Perfect Day.

Premiered monday May 8, 1916

Three movies that premieres on May 8, 1916: The Gilded Spider, The Huntress of Men and The Snowbird.

The Gilded Spider

The Gilded Spider
Premiere May 8, 1916

The Huntress of Men

The Huntress of Men
Premiere May 8, 1916

The Snowbird

The Snowbird
Premiere May 8, 1916

Premiered tuesday May 9, 1916

One movies that premieres on May 9, 1916: Her Sister's Rival.

Her Sister's Rival

Her Sister's Rival
Premiere May 9, 1916

Premiered saturday May 13, 1916

One movies that premieres on May 13, 1916: Jerry's Perfect Day.

Jerry's Perfect Day

Jerry's Perfect Day
Premiere May 13, 1916

Premiered sunday May 14, 1916

One movies that premieres on May 14, 1916: Bath Tub Perils.

Bath Tub Perils

Bath Tub Perils
Premiere May 14, 1916

Premiered monday May 15, 1916

Five movies that premieres on May 15, 1916: A Youth of Fortune, Elusive Isabel, Sudden Riches, Shop and The Spell of the Yukon.

A Youth of Fortune

A Youth of Fortune
Premiere May 15, 1916

Elusive Isabel

Elusive Isabel
Premiere May 15, 1916

Sudden Riches

Sudden Riches
Premiere May 15, 1916


Premiere May 15, 1916

The Spell of the Yukon

The Spell of the Yukon
Premiere May 15, 1916