Current cinema premieres in week 16 1921, like The "High Sign", Peck's Bad Boy, Astray from the Steerage, The Home Stretch and Catching a Coon.
Premiered monday April 18, 1921
One movies that premieres on April 18, 1921: The "High Sign".
The "High Sign"
Premiere April 18, 1921
Premiered thursday April 21, 1921
One movies that premieres on April 21, 1921: Peck's Bad Boy.
Peck's Bad Boy
Premiere April 21, 1921
Premiered saturday April 23, 1921
Two movies that premieres on April 23, 1921: Astray from the Steerage and The Home Stretch.
Astray from the Steerage
Premiere April 23, 1921
The Home Stretch
Premiere April 23, 1921
Premiered sunday April 24, 1921
Two movies that premieres on April 24, 1921: Catching a Coon and What Every Woman Knows.
Catching a Coon
Premiere April 24, 1921
What Every Woman Knows
Premiere April 24, 1921
Premiered monday April 25, 1921
One movies that premieres on April 25, 1921: Desperate Youth.
Desperate Youth
Premiere April 25, 1921