Cinema Premieres week 12 1943

Current cinema premieres in week 12 1943, like Behind Prison Walls, The Egg Cracker Suite, Hangmen Also Die!, Cabin In the Sky and He's My Guy.

Premiered monday March 22, 1943

Two movies that premieres on March 22, 1943: Behind Prison Walls and The Egg Cracker Suite.

Behind Prison Walls

Behind Prison Walls
Premiere March 22, 1943

The Egg Cracker Suite

The Egg Cracker Suite
Premiere March 22, 1943

Premiered tuesday March 23, 1943

One movies that premieres on March 23, 1943: Hangmen Also Die!.

Hangmen Also Die!

Hangmen Also Die!
Premiere March 23, 1943

Premiered wednesday March 24, 1943

One movies that premieres on March 24, 1943: Cabin In the Sky.

Cabin In the Sky

Cabin In the Sky
Premiere March 24, 1943

Premiered friday March 26, 1943

Seven movies that premieres on March 26, 1943: He's My Guy, Hello Frisco, Hello, Change of Heart, Hop and Go, Superman: Jungle Drums, Land of Hunted Men and Professor Small and Mr. Tall.

He's My Guy

He's My Guy
Premiere March 26, 1943

Hello Frisco, Hello

Hello Frisco, Hello
Premiere March 26, 1943

Change of Heart

Change of Heart
Premiere March 26, 1943

Hop and Go

Hop and Go
Premiere March 26, 1943

Superman: Jungle Drums

Superman: Jungle Drums
Premiere March 26, 1943

Land of Hunted Men

Land of Hunted Men
Premiere March 26, 1943

Professor Small and Mr. Tall

Professor Small and Mr. Tall
Premiere March 26, 1943

Premiered saturday March 27, 1943

Three movies that premieres on March 27, 1943: High Explosive, On the Road to Monterrey and Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra.

High Explosive

High Explosive
Premiere March 27, 1943

On the Road to Monterrey

On the Road to Monterrey
Premiere March 27, 1943

Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra

Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra
Premiere March 27, 1943