Current cinema premieres in october 1896, like Empire State Express, Feeding the Doves, A Morning Bath and The Burning Stable.
Premiered thursday October 1, 1896
One movies that premieres on October 1, 1896: Empire State Express.
Empire State Express
Premiere October 1, 1896
Premiered friday October 23, 1896
One movies that premieres on October 23, 1896: Feeding the Doves.
Feeding the Doves
Premiere October 23, 1896
Premiered friday October 30, 1896
One movies that premieres on October 30, 1896: A Morning Bath.
A Morning Bath
Premiere October 30, 1896
Premiered saturday October 31, 1896
One movies that premieres on October 31, 1896: The Burning Stable.
The Burning Stable
Premiere October 31, 1896