Jose Poernomo

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Jose Poernomo is a director, cinematographer, screenwriter and producer, known for KM 97 (2013), Pokun Roxy (2013) and Moga Bunda Disayang Allah (2013).

Jose Poernomo

  • Name: Jose Poernomo

Jose Poernomo's filmography


Jose is listed as director for three titles.

KM 97

KM 97
Movie, 2013

Pulau hantu 3

Pulau hantu 3
Movie, 2012

Find all movies with Jose Poernomo as director.


Jose is listed as cinematographer for one title.

Pulau hantu 3

Pulau hantu 3
Movie, 2012

Find all movies with Jose Poernomo as cinematographer.


Jose is listed as screenwriter for one title.

Pulau hantu 3

Pulau hantu 3
Movie, 2012

Find all movies with Jose Poernomo as screenwriter.


Jose is listed as producer for one title.

Pokun Roxy

Pokun Roxy
Movie, 2013

Find all movies with Jose Poernomo as producer.