In Soo Kim

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In Soo Kim is a producer and director, known for Secret Sunshine (2007), The Maid's Room (1987) and Festival of Horror (1986).

In Soo Kim

  • Name: In Soo Kim

In Soo Kim's filmography


In is listed as producer for one title.

Secret Sunshine

Secret Sunshine
Movie, 2007

Find all movies with In Soo Kim as producer.


In is listed as director for seven titles.

The Maid's Room

The Maid's Room
Movie, 1987

Festival of Horror

Festival of Horror
Movie, 1986

Public Cemetery

Public Cemetery
Movie, 1985

Cemetery of Regret

Cemetery of Regret
Movie, 1983

Three Furies

Three Furies
Movie, 1982

Wolnyoui han

Wolnyoui han
Movie, 1980

Find all movies with In Soo Kim as director.