The film "Sunset" is a 88 minute drama from 1990, directed by Aleksandr Zeldovich. The main cast consists of Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Olga Volkova and Igor Zolotovitsky.
- Directed by: Aleksandr Zeldovich
- Main cast: Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Olga Volkova, Igor Zolotovitsky
- Written by: Pavel Finn
- Cinematography: Aleksandr Knyazhinsky
- Music: Leonid Desyatnikov
- Title: Sunset
- Original Title: Zakat
- Year: 1990
- Genres: Drama
- Duration: 1h 28m
Cast & Crew
We know about 25 people who worked on "Sunset";
Directed by
Written by
- Aleksandr Ilin
- Aleksandr Knyazhinsky
- Aleksandr Nakhimson
- Alika Smekhova
- Anna Lisyanskaya
- Gennadi Voropayev
- Igor Zolotovitsky
- Irina Sokolova
- Lev Milinder
- Liliyan Malkina
- Marina Mayko
- Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov
- Olga Volkova
- Ramaz Chkhikvadze
- Sergey Galkin
- Viktor Gogolev
- Viktor Gvozditsky
- Vladimir Fyodorov
- Yuliya Aug
- Yuliya Rutberg
- Zinovi Korogodsky
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