Tom and Jerry: The Movie
The film "Tom and Jerry: The Movie" is a 84 minute animated kids film from 1992. The main cast consists of Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee and Rip Taylor.
Tom and Jerry: The Movie
- Main cast: Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Rip Taylor
- Music: Henry Mancini
- Title: Tom and Jerry: The Movie
- Year: 1992
- Genres: Animation, kids
- Duration: 1h 24m
- Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Release Dates
Tom and Jerry: The Movie premiered in cinemas on July 30, 1993.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in july 1993 or premiered in cinemas 1993.
Tom and Jerry: The Movie Official Trailer
Cast & Crew
We know about 18 people who worked on "Tom and Jerry: The Movie";
- Anndi McAfee ... Robyn Starling
- B.J. Ward ... Woman’s Voice
- Charlotte Rae ... Aunt Figg
- Dana Hill ... Jerry
- David L. Lander ... Frankie Da Flea
- Don Messick ... Droopy
- Ed Gilbert ... Puggsy / Daddy Starling
- Greg Burson ... Moving Man
- Henry Gibson ... Doctor Applecheek
- Howard Morris ... Squawk
- Michael Bell ... Ferdinand / Straycatcher
- Raymond McLeod ... Alleycat / Bulldog
- Richard Kind ... Tom
- Rip Taylor ... Captain Kiddie
- Tino Insana ... Patrolman
- Tony Jay ... Lickboot
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