The Tunnel
The film "The Tunnel" is a 105 minute drama thriller from 2019, directed by Pål Øie. The main cast consists of Thorbjørn Harr, Lisa Carlehed and Mikkel Bratt Silset.
The Tunnel
- Directed by: Pål Øie
- Main cast: Thorbjørn Harr, Lisa Carlehed, Mikkel Bratt Silset
- Written by: Kjersti Helen Rasmussen
- Cinematography: Sjur Aarthun
- Music: Martin Todsharow, Ingo Frenzel
- Title: The Tunnel
- Original Title: Tunnelen (Norway)
- Year: 2019
- Genres: Thriller, drama
- Duration: 1h 45m
- Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Cast & Crew
We know about 15 people who worked on "The Tunnel";
Directed by
Written by
- Eldar Skar ... Vegard
- Henrik Holm ... Haikeren
- Ingvild Holthe Bygdnes ... Andrea
- Jan Gunnar Røise ... Gunnar
- Kyrre Haugen Sydness ... Egil
- Lisa Carlehed ... Ingrid
- Mikkel Bratt Silset ... Ivar
- Per Egil Aske ... Christian
- Thorbjørn Harr ... Stein
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