The Soldier's Tale
The film "The Soldier's Tale" is a 51 minute animation from 1984, directed by Christian Blackwood and R.O. Blechman. The main cast consists of Andre Gregory, Dušan Makavejev, Mike Mearian and Galina Panova.
The Soldier's Tale
- Directed by: Christian Blackwood, R.O. Blechman
- Main cast: Andre Gregory, Dušan Makavejev, Mike Mearian, Galina Panova
- Written by: R.O. Blechman
- Music: Igor Stravinsky
- Title: The Soldier's Tale
- Year: 1984
- Genres: Animation
- Duration: 51m
Cast & Crew
We know about 11 people who worked on "The Soldier's Tale";
Directed by
Written by
- Andre Gregory ... Narrator
- Dušan Makavejev ... Ilya Grigorivich Vertov, The Soldier
- Galina Panova ... The Princess
- Max von Sydow ... The devil
- Mike Mearian ... The Announcer
- Theodore Gottlieb ... The Drill Sergeant / The Herald
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