The Profane Exhibit
The film "The Profane Exhibit" is a horror from 2013, directed by Nacho Vigalondo, Uwe Boll, Ruggero Deodato, Jeremy Kasten, José Mojica Marins, Ryan Nicholson and Sergio Stivaletti..
The Profane Exhibit
- Directed by: Nacho Vigalondo, Uwe Boll, Ruggero Deodato, Jeremy Kasten, José Mojica Marins, Ryan Nicholson, Sergio Stivaletti
- Main cast:
- Written by: Ruggero Deodato, Ryan Nicholson
- Cinematography: Jose Zambrano Cassella
- Title: The Profane Exhibit
- Year: 2013
- Genres: Horror
Release Dates
The Profane Exhibit premiered in cinemas on April 16, 2014.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in april 2014 or premiered in cinemas 2014.
Cast & Crew
We know about 15 people who worked on "The Profane Exhibit";
Directed by
Written by
- Caroline Williams ... Lucy
- Clint Howard ... Bob
- Eihi Shiina ... Hell Chef
- Monique Parent ... Lisa
- Rob Doak
- Tina Krause ... Rave Girl
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