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The Irishman Poster

The Irishman

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The film "The Irishman" is a 209 minute biographical criminal drama from 2019, directed by Martin Scorsese. The main cast consists of Robert De Niro, Anna Paquin, Al Pacino, Harvey Keitel and Joe Pesci.

Martin Scorsese


Release Dates

The Irishman premiered in cinemas on October 22, 2019premiered in cinemas on November 1, 2019was released on Blu-ray on November 24, 2020premiered in cinemas on September 27, 2019.

Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in october 2019 or premiered in cinemas 2019, premiered in cinemas in november 2019, premiered in cinemas in september 2019.


The Irishman Official Trailer

The Irishman Teaser Trailer

The Irishman Final Trailer

Cast & Crew

We know about 89 people who worked on "The Irishman";

Directed by



Based on a novel

The film "The Irishman" is based on the novel "I Heard You Paint Houses" (Amazon, eBay) from 2004 by Charles Brandt.

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