The French as Seen by...
The film "The French as Seen by..." is a 13 minute war drama from 1988, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, Werner Herzog, David Lynch, Luigi Comencini and Andrzej Wajda. The main cast consists of Harry Dean Stanton and Barbara Hendricks.
The French as Seen by...
- Directed by: Jean-Luc Godard, Werner Herzog, David Lynch, Luigi Comencini, Andrzej Wajda
- Main cast: Harry Dean Stanton, Barbara Hendricks
Cast & Crew
We know about 20 people who worked on "The French as Seen by...";
- André Marcon ... (Segment "Le Français entendu par Jean-Luc Godard")
- Barbara Hendricks ... Self - Interviewee
- Catherine Aymerie ... (Segment "Le Français entendu par Jean-Luc Godard")
- Cristina Comencini ... Self (Segment "Pèlerinage à Agen")
- Francesca Comencini ... Self (Segment "Pèlerinage à Agen")
- Frederic Golchan ... (Segment "The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
- Hanns Zischler ... (Segment "Le Français entendu par Jean-Luc Godard")
- Harry Dean Stanton
- Jack Nance ... (Segment "The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
- Magali Alvarado ... (Segment "The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
- Patrick Houser ... (Segment "The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
- Talisa Soto
- Tracey Walter ... (Segment "The Cowboy and the Frenchman")
- Yehudi Menuhin ... Self - Interviewee
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