The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos
The film "The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos" from 2008, directed by Matthew Aeberhard and Leander Ward. The main cast consists of Mariella Frostrup, Karoline Herfurth and Zabou Breitman.
The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos
- Directed by: Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward
- Main cast: Mariella Frostrup, Karoline Herfurth, Zabou Breitman
- Written by: Melanie Finn
- Cinematography: Matthew Aeberhard
- Title: The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos
- Original Title: The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos
- Year: 2008
Release Dates
The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos premiered in cinemas on October 8, 2009was released on Blu-ray on October 19, 2010.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in october 2009 or premiered in cinemas 2009.
Cast & Crew
We know about 9 people who worked on "The Crimson Wing Mystery of the Flamingos";
Directed by
Written by
- Karoline Herfurth ... Narrator (German version)
- Mariella Frostrup ... Narrator
- Zabou Breitman ... Narrator (French version)
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