The Christmas Orange
The film "The Christmas Orange" is a 120 minute drama from 1996, directed by Jean-Louis Lorenzi. The main cast consists of Sophie Aubry, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Jean-François Dérec and Paul Le Person.
The Christmas Orange
- Directed by: Jean-Louis Lorenzi
- Main cast: Sophie Aubry, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Jean-François Dérec, Paul Le Person
- Title: The Christmas Orange
- Year: 1996
- Genres: Drama
- Duration: 2h 0m
Cast & Crew
We know about 12 people who worked on "The Christmas Orange";
Directed by
- Anne-Lise Calvez ... Flavie
- Annie Grégorio ... La Jeanne
- Elodie Doby ... Rachel
- Françoise Giret ... La Marie
- Jean-François Dérec ... M. Caze
- Jean-Yves Berteloot ... Pierre
- Lys Caro ... Malvina
- Paul Le Person ... L'Abbé Brissaud
- Sophie Aubry ... Cécile
- Stéphan Guérin-Tillié ... Fred
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