The Canal
The film "The Canal" is a 92 minute horror drama from 2014, directed by Ivan Kavanagh. The main cast consists of Rupert Evans, Steve Oram, Hannah Hoekstra and Antonia Campbell-Hughes.
The Canal
- Directed by: Ivan Kavanagh
- Main cast: Rupert Evans, Steve Oram, Hannah Hoekstra, Antonia Campbell-Hughes
- Written by: Ivan Kavanagh
- Cinematography: Piers McGrail, Albi Sheridan
- Music: Ceiri Torjussen
Release Dates
The Canal premiered in cinemas on October 10, 2014premiered in cinemas on April 18, 2014.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in october 2014 or premiered in cinemas 2014, premiered in cinemas in april 2014.
The Canal Official Trailer
Cast & Crew
We know about 10 people who worked on "The Canal";
Directed by
Written by
- Antonia Campbell-Hughes ... Claire
- Hannah Hoekstra ... Alice
- Rupert Evans ... David
- Steve Oram ... McNamara
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