The Battle of Midway
The film "The Battle of Midway" is 18 minute from 1942, directed by John Ford. The main cast consists of Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, Donald Crisp and Irving Pichel.
The Battle of Midway
- Directed by: John Ford
- Main cast: Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, Donald Crisp, Irving Pichel
- Written by: John Ford, James Kevin McGuinness, Dudley Nichols
- Cinematography: John Ford, Joseph H. August, Jack MacKenzie
- Music: Alfred Newman
- Title: The Battle of Midway
- Year: 1942
- Duration: 18m
Release Dates
The Battle of Midway premiered in cinemas on September 14, 1942.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in september 1942 or premiered in cinemas 1942.
Cast & Crew
We know about 12 people who worked on "The Battle of Midway";
Directed by
- Donald Crisp ... Main Narrator
- Henry Fonda ... Narrator
- Irving Pichel ... Narrator
- Jane Darwell ... Narrator
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