Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde
The film "Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde" from 1993, directed by John Shepphird. The main cast consists of Tom Bower, Maureen Flannigan, Bentley Mitchum and Scott Wolf.
Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde
- Directed by: John Shepphird
- Main cast: Tom Bower, Maureen Flannigan, Bentley Mitchum, Scott Wolf
- Written by: Steve Jankowski, John Shepphird
- Cinematography: Neal Brown
- Music: Terry Plumeri
- Title: Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde
- Year: 1993
Release Dates
Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde premiered in cinemas on August 27, 1993.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in august 1993 or premiered in cinemas 1993.
Cast & Crew
We know about 11 people who worked on "Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde";
Directed by
Written by
- Bentley Mitchum ... Kirk
- Don Novello ... Sanchez
- Maureen Flannigan ... Bonnie
- Scott Wolf ... Clyde
- Tom Bower ... Peter Baker
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