Tall Tales: The Magical Garden
The film "Tall Tales: The Magical Garden" is a 88 minute animated kids film from 2017, directed by Arnaud Bouron and Antoon Krings. The main cast consists of Kev Adams, Emmanuel Curtil, Virginie Efira and Ryan Nicolls.
Tall Tales: The Magical Garden
- Directed by: Arnaud Bouron, Antoon Krings
- Main cast: Kev Adams, Emmanuel Curtil, Virginie Efira, Ryan Nicolls
- Written by: Antoon Krings, Arnaud Delalande, Christel Gonnard
- Music: Bruno Coulais
- Title: Tall Tales: The Magical Garden
- Original Title: Drôles de petites bêtes (France)
- Year: 2017
- Genres: Animation, kids
- Duration: 1h 28m
- Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Release Dates
Tall Tales: The Magical Garden premiered in cinemas on January 11, 2019.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in january 2019 or premiered in cinemas 2019.
Cast & Crew
We know about 16 people who worked on "Tall Tales: The Magical Garden";
Directed by
- Didier Gustin ... Incognito
- Emmanuel Curtil ... Apollon
- Jérémie Covillault ... Sphinx
- Kev Adams ... Loulou
- Marie-Charlotte Leclaire ... Patouch
- Pierre-Alain de Garrigues
- Ryan Nicolls ... Sphinx
- Vincent Ropion ... Loustic
- Virginie Efira ... Huguette
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