Secret Patrol
The film "Secret Patrol" is 60 minute from 1936, directed by David Selman. The main cast consists of Finis Barton, J.P. McGowan, Henry Mollison and Charles Starrett.
Secret Patrol
- Directed by: David Selman
- Main cast: Finis Barton, J.P. McGowan, Henry Mollison, Charles Starrett
- Written by: J.P. McGowan
- Cinematography: George Meehan
- Title: Secret Patrol
- Year: 1936
- Duration: 1h 0m
Release Dates
Secret Patrol premiered in cinemas on June 2, 1936.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in june 1936 or premiered in cinemas 1936.
Cast & Crew
We know about 16 people who worked on "Secret Patrol";
Directed by
Written by
- Arthur Kerr
- Arthur Legge-Willis
- Charles Starrett ... RCMP Cpl. Alan Craig
- Ernie Impett
- Finis Barton
- Henry Mollison
- J.P. McGowan
- James McGrath
- Le Strange Millman
- Michael Heppell
- Reginald Hincks
- Ted Mapes
- William Millman ... (as LeStrange Millman) C. J. McCord
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