Man Follows the Sun
The film "Man Follows the Sun" is a 66 minute drama from 1962, directed by Mikhail Kalik. The main cast consists of Evgeniy Evstigneev, Nika Krimnus, Anatoli Papanov and Nikolai Volkov St..
Man Follows the Sun
- Directed by: Mikhail Kalik
- Main cast: Evgeniy Evstigneev, Nika Krimnus, Anatoli Papanov, Nikolai Volkov St.
- Written by: Valeriu Gajiu, Mikhail Kalik
- Music: Mikael Tariverdiev
- Title: Man Follows the Sun
- Original Title: Sandu Follows the Sun
- Year: 1962
- Genres: Drama
- Duration: 1h 6m
Release Dates
Man Follows the Sun premiered in cinemas on October 10, 1961.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in october 1961 or premiered in cinemas 1961.
Cast & Crew
We know about 23 people who worked on "Man Follows the Sun";
Directed by
Written by
- Anatoli Papanov ... Park Manager
- Dumitru Fusu
- Evgeniy Evstigneev ... Nikolai Chernykh
- Georgi Georgiu
- Georgi Svetlani
- Grigori Belov
- Ion Ungureanu
- Irina Gubanova
- Larisa Luzhina
- Lev Kruglyy
- Lyudmila Dolgorukova
- Nika Krimnus ... Sandu
- Nikolai Volkov St. ... Lottery tickets seller
- Tatyana Bestayeva
- Valentin Kulik
- Valentin Zubkov
- Valentina Telegina
- Viktor Markin
- Vladimir Chetverikov
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