Romance with the Intruder
The film "Romance with the Intruder" is 1 minute from 1985, directed by Waldemar Podgórski. The main cast consists of Arkadiusz Bazak and Zbigniew Buczkowski.
Romance with the Intruder
- Directed by: Waldemar Podgórski
- Main cast: Arkadiusz Bazak, Zbigniew Buczkowski
- Written by: Waldemar Podgórski
- Cinematography: Wiesław Rutowicz
- Music: Piotr Marczewski
- Title: Romance with the Intruder
- Original Title: Romans z intruzem
- Year: 1985
- Duration: 1m
Cast & Crew
We know about 10 people who worked on "Romance with the Intruder";
Directed by
Written by
- Aleksander Mikolajczak
- Arkadiusz Bazak ... Captain Wolski
- Klaus-Peter Thiele
- Ryszard Kotys
- Tomasz Zaliwski ... Major Wilczynski
- Zbigniew Buczkowski
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