Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era
The film "Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era" is a 25 minute documentary from 2011, directed by Laurent Bouzereau. The main cast consists of Steven Spielberg, Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum.

Steven Spielberg

Jeff Goldblum
Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era
- Directed by: Laurent Bouzereau
- Main cast: Steven Spielberg, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum
- Title: Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era
- Year: 2011
- Genres: Documentary
- Duration: 25m
Cast & Crew
We know about 25 people who worked on "Return to Jurassic Park: Dawn of a New Era";
Directed by
- Ariana Richards
- Dean Cundey
- Dennis Muren
- Fay Wray ... (archival)
- Gerald R. Molen ... Self (archive footage)
- Jeff Goldblum
- John Rosengrant
- John Williams
- Joseph Mazzello
- Julianne Moore
- Laura Dern
- Mark 'Crash' McCreery
- Michael Crichton ... (archival)
- Pete Postlethwaite
- Phil Tippett
- Richard Attenborough ... (archival)
- Rick Carter
- Sam Neill
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Stan Winston ... (archival)
- Steven Spielberg
- Vince Vaughn
- William H. Macy
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