Imminent Attack
The film "Imminent Attack" is a 120 minute drama thriller from 2005, directed by Patrick Dewolf. The main cast consists of Anne Brochet, Patrick Descamps, Maher Kamoun and Asil Raïs.
Imminent Attack
- Directed by: Patrick Dewolf
- Main cast: Anne Brochet, Patrick Descamps, Maher Kamoun, Asil Raïs
- Title: Imminent Attack
- Original Title: Nom de code: DP
- Year: 2005
- Genres: Thriller, drama
- Duration: 2h 0m
Cast & Crew
We know about 10 people who worked on "Imminent Attack";
Directed by
- Anne Brochet ... Nathalie
- Asil Raïs ... Bilal
- Jean-Michel Vovk ... Durieux
- Maher Kamoun ... Léon
- Michel Guillou ... Pontivy
- Mostefa Djadjam ... Hussein
- Patrick Descamps ... Maxence
- Serge-Henri Valcke ... Berg
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