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Lone Survivor Poster

Lone Survivor

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The film "Lone Survivor" is a 121 minute action / thriller / drama / war / biography from 2013, directed by Peter Berg. The main cast consists of Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch and Taylor Kitsch.

Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg
Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell
Emile Hirsch
Emile Hirsch
Petty Officer Second Class Danny Dietz
Taylor Kitsch
Taylor Kitsch
Lieutenant Michael "Mike" Murphy


Release Dates

Lone Survivor premiered in cinemas on January 10, 2014premiered in cinemas on November 12, 2013premiered in cinemas on December 24, 2013was released on Blu-ray on June 3, 2014.

Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in january 2014 or premiered in cinemas 2014, premiered in cinemas in november 2013 or premiered in cinemas 2013, premiered in cinemas in december 2013.


Lone Survivor Official Trailer

Cast & Crew

We know about 26 people who worked on "Lone Survivor";

Directed by

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