The film "L'imbranato" is 86 minute from 1979, directed by Pier Francesco Pingitore. The main cast consists of Pippo Franco, Oreste Lionello, Laura Troschel and Luciana Turina.
- Directed by: Pier Francesco Pingitore
- Main cast: Pippo Franco, Oreste Lionello, Laura Troschel, Luciana Turina
- Cinematography: Carlo Carlini
- Music: Alessandro Alessandroni
- Title: L'imbranato
- Year: 1979
- Duration: 1h 26m
Cast & Crew
We know about 13 people who worked on "L'imbranato";
Directed by
- Duilio Del Prete ... Maranotti
- Enzo Cannavale ... l'uomo che ride
- Giancarlo Magalli ... Gianfranco Magalli
- Laura Troschel ... Lura
- Luciana Turina ... Poldina Sperandio
- Oreste Lionello ... Mandrake
- Pippo Franco ... Pippo Sperandio
- Sergio Leonardi ... Capo dei rapinatori
- Teo Teocoli ... Teo
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