La collection Ménard
The film "La collection Ménard" is a 1 minute comedy from 1944. The main cast consists of Lucien Baroux, Suzanne Dehelly and Suzy Prim.
La collection Ménard
- Main cast: Lucien Baroux, Suzanne Dehelly, Suzy Prim
- Title: La collection Ménard
- Year: 1944
- Genres: Comedy
- Duration: 1m
Cast & Crew
We know about 28 people who worked on "La collection Ménard";
- Albert Malbert
- Albert Morys
- Alfred Baillou
- Charles Granval
- Charles Lemontier
- Gabrielle Fontan
- Georges Bever
- Jean Brochard
- Jean Mercanton
- Jean Périer
- Jean Tissier ... Civil Status employee
- Julienne Paroli
- Louis Florencie
- Lucien Baroux
- Marcelle Monthil
- Marguerite Deval
- Marguerite Moreno
- Marguerite de Morlaye
- Maurice Devienne
- Maurice Marceau
- Max Dalban
- Pierre Larquey
- René Génin
- Robert Le Vigan
- Suzanne Dehelly
- Suzy Prim
- Édouard Delmont
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