Knyaz Igor
The film "Knyaz Igor" is a 105 minute musical / adventure from 1971, directed by Roman Tikhomirov. The main cast consists of Boris Khmelnitsky, Pyotr Merkuryev and Nelli Pshyonnaya.
Knyaz Igor
- Directed by: Roman Tikhomirov
- Main cast: Boris Khmelnitsky, Pyotr Merkuryev, Nelli Pshyonnaya
Release Dates
Knyaz Igor premiered in cinemas on December 21, 1972.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in december 1972 or premiered in cinemas 1972.
Cast & Crew
We know about 7 people who worked on "Knyaz Igor";
Directed by
- Boris Khmelnitsky ... Prince Igor
- Boris Tokarev ... Prince Vladimir
- E. Kharkevich
- Nelli Pshyonnaya ... Yaroslavna
- Pyotr Merkuryev ... Eroshka
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