Kamen Rider X the Movie
The film "Kamen Rider X the Movie" is a 24 minute sci-fi from 1974. The main cast consists of Ryô Hayami and Osamu Saka.
Kamen Rider X the Movie
- Main cast: Ryô Hayami, Osamu Saka
- Written by: Masaru Igami
- Music: Shunsuke Kikuchi
- Title: Kamen Rider X the Movie
- Year: 1974
- Genres: Sci-fi
- Duration: 24m
Cast & Crew
We know about 8 people who worked on "Kamen Rider X the Movie";
Written by
- Akira Hamada ... Hercules (human form)
- Osamu Saka ... General of G.O.D.
- Ritsuo Sawa ... Hercules
- Ryô Hayami ... Keisuke Jin / Kamen Rider X
- Shinji Nakae ... Narrator
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