Hot Desire
The film "Hot Desire" from 1956, directed by Bengt Logardt. The main cast consists of Margit Carlqvist, Karl-Arne Holmsten, Alf Kjellin and Bengt Logardt.
Hot Desire
- Directed by: Bengt Logardt
- Main cast: Margit Carlqvist, Karl-Arne Holmsten, Alf Kjellin, Bengt Logardt
- Written by: Bengt Logardt
- Cinematography: Jan Lindeström
- Title: Hot Desire
- Original Title: Het är min längtan
- Year: 1956
Cast & Crew
We know about 24 people who worked on "Hot Desire";
Directed by
Written by
- Alf Kjellin
- Bengt Logardt
- Birgit Rosengren
- Birgitta Hellerstedt
- Catrin Westerlund
- Eric Gustafson
- Fritiof Billquist
- Georg Skarstedt
- Gösta Krantz
- Henrik Schildt
- Inga Sarri
- Karl-Arne Holmsten
- Lasse Sarri
- Linnea Hillberg
- Margit Carlqvist
- Marianne Aminoff
- Naima Wifstrand
- Per-Axel Arosenius
- Ulla Sjöblom
- Ulla-Bella Fridh
- Åke Claesson
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