Porky's Meatballs
The film "Porky's Meatballs" is a 93 minute comedy from 1987, directed by Clifton Ko Chi-Sum. The main cast consists of Russell Wong, Adia Chan, Sabrina Ho and Loletta Lee.
Porky's Meatballs
- Directed by: Clifton Ko Chi-Sum
- Main cast: Russell Wong, Adia Chan, Sabrina Ho, Loletta Lee
- Written by: Clifton Ko Chi-Sum
- Title: Porky's Meatballs
- Original Title: Gwai ma hau yuen
- Year: 1987
- Genres: Comedy
- Duration: 1h 33m
Cast & Crew
We know about 9 people who worked on "Porky's Meatballs";
Directed by
Written by
- Adia Chan
- Kai-Nam Ho ... 谢天
- Loletta Lee
- Russell Wong
- Sabrina Ho ... 谢地
- Teddy Yip Wing-Cho
- Timothy Zao ... 宋嘉鸣
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