Franklin and the Green Knight
The film "Franklin and the Green Knight" is a 75 minute animated family adventure from 2000, directed by John van Bruggen. The main cast consists of Olivia Garratt and Noah Reid.
Franklin and the Green Knight
- Directed by: John van Bruggen
- Main cast: Olivia Garratt, Noah Reid
- Title: Franklin and the Green Knight
- Original Title: Franklin and the Green Knight: The Movie
- Year: 2000
- Genres: Adventure, family, animation
- Duration: 1h 15m
Release Dates
Franklin and the Green Knight premiered in cinemas on January 1, 2000.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in january 2000 or premiered in cinemas 2000.
Cast & Crew
We know about 9 people who worked on "Franklin and the Green Knight";
Directed by
- Juan Chioran ... Green Knight
- Kristen Bone ... Snail
- Kyle Fairlie ... Rabbit
- Noah Reid ... Franklin Turtle
- Olivia Garratt ... Goose
- Paul Essiembre ... Squire
- Richard Newman ... Mr. Turtle
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