Dorei kojo
The film "Dorei kojo" is 143 minute from 1968, directed by Atsushi Takeda and Satsuo Yamamoto. The main cast consists of Kōjirō Kusanagi, Gin Maeda, Jūkichi Uno and Tomoe Hiiro.
Dorei kojo
- Directed by: Atsushi Takeda, Satsuo Yamamoto
- Main cast: Kōjirō Kusanagi, Gin Maeda, Jūkichi Uno, Tomoe Hiiro
- Written by: Atsushi Takeda
- Title: Dorei kojo
- Year: 1968
- Duration: 2h 23m
Cast & Crew
We know about 12 people who worked on "Dorei kojo";
Directed by
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