The film "Destricted" is a 129 minute drama from 2006, directed by Gaspar Noé, Sam Taylor-Johnson, Marina Abramović, Matthew Barney, Marco Brambilla and Sante D'Orazio. The main cast consists of Nancy Vee and August Knight.
- Directed by: Gaspar Noé, Sam Taylor-Johnson, Marina Abramović, Matthew Barney, Marco Brambilla, Sante D'Orazio
- Main cast: Nancy Vee, August Knight
- Written by: Sam Taylor-Johnson, Matthew Barney
- Cinematography: Seamus McGarvey, Aleksandar Ilic, Peter Strietmann
- Music: Jonathan Bepler
- Title: Destricted
- Year: 2006
- Genres: Drama
- Duration: 2h 9m
Release Dates
Destricted premiered in cinemas on January 23, 2006premiered in cinemas on November 2, 2010.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in january 2006 or premiered in cinemas 2006, premiered in cinemas in november 2010 or premiered in cinemas 2010.
Cast & Crew
We know about 14 people who worked on "Destricted";
Written by
- August Knight ... Self
- Nancy Vee ... Self
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