Daisy et Mona
The film "Daisy et Mona" is a 91 minute comedy from 1994. The main cast consists of Lilah Dadi, Dyna Gauzy, Marina Golovine and Caroline Thery.
Daisy et Mona
- Main cast: Lilah Dadi, Dyna Gauzy, Marina Golovine, Caroline Thery
- Cinematography: Denys Clerval
- Title: Daisy et Mona
- Year: 1994
- Genres: Comedy
- Duration: 1h 31m
Release Dates
Daisy et Mona premiered in cinemas on November 12, 1994.
Find more titles that premiered in cinemas in november 1994 or premiered in cinemas 1994.
Cast & Crew
We know about 20 people who worked on "Daisy et Mona";
- Armando Cortez
- Bonnafet Tarbouriech
- Caroline Thery ... Chloe
- Claire Borotra
- Dyna Gauzy ... Mona
- Jacques Le Carpentier ... Milou Dujardin
- Jorge Sousa Costa
- João Lagarto
- Julien Asselin
- Lilah Dadi ... Sami
- Louise Duby
- Marina Golovine ... Daisy
- Philippe Seurin ... Thierry Corsaro
- Rui Luís Brás
- Sarah Haxaire
- Valérie Baurens ... Maryse
- Zinedine Soualem
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