The film "Co/Ma" is a 92 minute documentary from 2004, directed by Mike Figgis, Hanna Antonina Wojcik Slak and Johnny O'Reilly. The main cast consists of Thekla Reuten and Aleksandra Balmazović.
- Directed by: Mike Figgis, Hanna Antonina Wojcik Slak, Johnny O'Reilly
- Main cast: Thekla Reuten, Aleksandra Balmazović
- Written by: Mike Figgis, Fabian Passamonte, Hanna Antonina Wojcik Slak, Johnny O'Reilly
- Title: Co/Ma
- Year: 2004
- Genres: Documentary
- Duration: 1h 32m
Cast & Crew
We know about 7 people who worked on "Co/Ma";
- Aleksandra Balmazović ... Susi
- Fabian Passamonte ... Professor Kurt
- Thekla Reuten ... Isabella
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