Wasted Lives
The film "Wasted Lives" is a 95 minute drama from 1953, directed by Léonide Moguy. The main cast consists of Joëlle Bernard, Lise Bourdin, Etchika Choureau and Jean-Claude Pascal.
Wasted Lives
- Directed by: Léonide Moguy
- Main cast: Joëlle Bernard, Lise Bourdin, Etchika Choureau, Jean-Claude Pascal
- Title: Wasted Lives
- Original Title: Children of Love
- Year: 1953
- Genres: Drama
- Duration: 1h 35m
Cast & Crew
We know about 26 people who worked on "Wasted Lives";
Directed by
- Albert Duvaleix
- Catherine Erard
- Dominique Page
- Etchika Choureau ... Anne-Marie et Geneviève
- Georges Galley
- Georges Sellier
- Germaine Dermoz
- Héléna Manson
- Jean-Claude Pascal
- Jean-Pierre Jaubert
- Joëlle Bernard
- Lise Bourdin
- Lucienne Bogaert
- Marcel Pérès
- Marcelle Arnold
- Maryse Martin
- Micheline Rolla
- Mylène Demongeot
- Nadine Tallier
- Paul Azaïs
- Philippe Hersent
- Raymond Cordy
- Robert Vattier
- Valentine Tessier
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