Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)
The film "Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)" is a animation from 1998, directed by Akira Nishimori. The main cast consists of Yumiko Kobayashi and Takehito Koyasu.
Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)
- Directed by: Akira Nishimori
- Main cast: Yumiko Kobayashi, Takehito Koyasu
- Cinematography: Kazushi Torigoe
- Title: Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)
- Original Title: Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy's Close Call!
- Year: 1998
- Genres: Animation
Cast & Crew
We know about 5 people who worked on "Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)";
Directed by
- Takehito Koyasu ... Optimus Primal
- Yumiko Kobayashi ... Lio Junior
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