Cinema Premieres week 14 1943

Current cinema premieres in week 14 1943, like My Son, the Hero, Don Winslow of the Coast Guard, Tahiti Honey, Water: Friend or Enemy and Immortal France.

Premiered monday April 5, 1943

One movies that premieres on April 5, 1943: My Son, the Hero.

My Son, the Hero

My Son, the Hero
Premiere April 5, 1943

Premiered tuesday April 6, 1943

Three movies that premieres on April 6, 1943: Don Winslow of the Coast Guard, Tahiti Honey and Water: Friend or Enemy.

Don Winslow of the Coast Guard

Don Winslow of the Coast Guard
Premiere April 6, 1943

Tahiti Honey

Tahiti Honey
Premiere April 6, 1943

Water: Friend or Enemy

Water: Friend or Enemy
Premiere April 6, 1943

Premiered wednesday April 7, 1943

One movies that premieres on April 7, 1943: Immortal France.

Immortal France

Immortal France
Premiere April 7, 1943

Premiered thursday April 8, 1943

One movies that premieres on April 8, 1943: I Walked With a Zombie.

I Walked With a Zombie

I Walked With a Zombie
Premiere April 8, 1943

Premiered friday April 9, 1943

Four movies that premieres on April 9, 1943: It Comes Up Love, Roy Rogers: King Of The Cowboys, Ladies' Day and Patriotic Pooches.

It Comes Up Love

It Comes Up Love
Premiere April 9, 1943

Roy Rogers: King Of The Cowboys

Roy Rogers: King Of The Cowboys
Premiere April 9, 1943

Ladies' Day

Ladies' Day
Premiere April 9, 1943

Patriotic Pooches

Patriotic Pooches
Premiere April 9, 1943

Premiered saturday April 10, 1943

Two movies that premieres on April 10, 1943: Fala: The President's Dog and The Rear Gunner.

Fala: The President's Dog

Fala: The President's Dog
Premiere April 10, 1943

The Rear Gunner

The Rear Gunner
Premiere April 10, 1943

Premiered monday April 12, 1943

One movies that premieres on April 12, 1943: Cheyenne Roundup.

Cheyenne Roundup

Cheyenne Roundup
Premiere April 12, 1943