Cinema Premieres week 12 1914

Current cinema premieres in week 12 1914, like Discord and Harmony, Charlie Is Thirsty, The Monster and the Girl, Universal Ike Has One Foot in the Grave and The Award of Justice.

Premiered monday March 16, 1914

Three movies that premieres on March 16, 1914: Discord and Harmony, Charlie Is Thirsty and The Monster and the Girl.

Discord and Harmony

Discord and Harmony
Premiere March 16, 1914

Charlie Is Thirsty

Charlie Is Thirsty
Premiere March 16, 1914

The Monster and the Girl

The Monster and the Girl
Premiere March 16, 1914

Premiered tuesday March 17, 1914

One movies that premieres on March 17, 1914: Universal Ike Has One Foot in the Grave.

Premiered wednesday March 18, 1914

Two movies that premieres on March 18, 1914: The Award of Justice and The Way of a Woman.

The Award of Justice

The Award of Justice
Premiere March 18, 1914

The Way of a Woman

The Way of a Woman
Premiere March 18, 1914

Premiered thursday March 19, 1914

One movies that premieres on March 19, 1914: The Rival Demon.

The Rival Demon

The Rival Demon
Premiere March 19, 1914

Premiered monday March 23, 1914

Two movies that premieres on March 23, 1914: Across the Hall and The Garden of Brides.

Across the Hall

Across the Hall
Premiere March 23, 1914

The Garden of Brides

The Garden of Brides
Premiere March 23, 1914