Cinema Premieres in march 1936

Current cinema premieres in march 1936, like Border Caballero, Cartoonland Mysteries, Hair-Trigger Casey, Sutter's Gold and Man of the Frontier.

Premiered sunday March 1, 1936

Four movies that premieres on March 1, 1936: Border Caballero, Cartoonland Mysteries, Hair-Trigger Casey and Sutter's Gold.

Border Caballero

Border Caballero
Premiere March 1, 1936

Cartoonland Mysteries

Cartoonland Mysteries
Premiere March 1, 1936

Hair-Trigger Casey

Hair-Trigger Casey
Premiere March 1, 1936

Sutter's Gold

Sutter's Gold
Premiere March 1, 1936

Premiered monday March 2, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 2, 1936: Man of the Frontier.

Man of the Frontier

Man of the Frontier
Premiere March 2, 1936

Premiered wednesday March 4, 1936

Two movies that premieres on March 4, 1936: Laughing Irish Eyes and Wildcat Saunders.

Laughing Irish Eyes

Laughing Irish Eyes
Premiere March 4, 1936

Wildcat Saunders

Wildcat Saunders
Premiere March 4, 1936

Premiered friday March 6, 1936

Seven movies that premieres on March 6, 1936: Barnyard Amateurs, Call of the Prairie, Contra la corriente, Give Us This Night, Love in September, Love on a Bet and The Old Mill Pond.

Barnyard Amateurs

Barnyard Amateurs
Premiere March 6, 1936

Call of the Prairie

Call of the Prairie
Premiere March 6, 1936

Contra la corriente

Contra la corriente
Premiere March 6, 1936

Give Us This Night

Give Us This Night
Premiere March 6, 1936

Love in September

Love in September
Premiere March 6, 1936

Love on a Bet

Love on a Bet
Premiere March 6, 1936

The Old Mill Pond

The Old Mill Pond
Premiere March 6, 1936

Premiered saturday March 7, 1936

Three movies that premieres on March 7, 1936: Boulder Dam, Foolproof and Mickey's Grand Opera.

Boulder Dam

Boulder Dam
Premiere March 7, 1936


Premiere March 7, 1936

Mickey's Grand Opera

Mickey's Grand Opera
Premiere March 7, 1936

Premiered monday March 9, 1936

Six movies that premieres on March 9, 1936: Desert Phantom, King of the Pecos, Love Before Breakfast, Neighborhood House, The Slumberland Express and The Fire Alarm.

Desert Phantom

Desert Phantom
Premiere March 9, 1936

King of the Pecos

King of the Pecos
Premiere March 9, 1936

Love Before Breakfast

Love Before Breakfast
Premiere March 9, 1936

Neighborhood House

Neighborhood House
Premiere March 9, 1936

The Slumberland Express

The Slumberland Express
Premiere March 9, 1936

The Fire Alarm

The Fire Alarm
Premiere March 9, 1936

Premiered thursday March 12, 1936

Four movies that premieres on March 12, 1936: Cafe Moscow, Footlights And Shadows, The Little Stranger and Yellow Dust.

Cafe Moscow

Cafe Moscow
Premiere March 12, 1936

Footlights And Shadows

Footlights And Shadows
Premiere March 12, 1936

The Little Stranger

The Little Stranger
Premiere March 12, 1936

Yellow Dust

Yellow Dust
Premiere March 12, 1936

Premiered friday March 13, 1936

Two movies that premieres on March 13, 1936: Every Saturday Night and The Millionaire Kid.

Every Saturday Night

Every Saturday Night
Premiere March 13, 1936

The Millionaire Kid

The Millionaire Kid
Premiere March 13, 1936

Premiered saturday March 14, 1936

Two movies that premieres on March 14, 1936: For the Love of Pete and The Lucky Corner.

For the Love of Pete

For the Love of Pete
Premiere March 14, 1936

The Lucky Corner

The Lucky Corner
Premiere March 14, 1936

Premiered sunday March 15, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 15, 1936: Song of the Trail.

Song of the Trail

Song of the Trail
Premiere March 15, 1936

Premiered monday March 16, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 16, 1936: Scrappy's Pony.

Scrappy's Pony

Scrappy's Pony
Premiere March 16, 1936

Premiered tuesday March 17, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 17, 1936: The Robin Hood of El Dorado.

The Robin Hood of El Dorado

The Robin Hood of El Dorado
Premiere March 17, 1936

Premiered wednesday March 18, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 18, 1936: These Three.

These Three

These Three
Premiere March 18, 1936

Premiered thursday March 19, 1936

Two movies that premieres on March 19, 1936: Lil' Ainjil and Too Many Parents.

Lil' Ainjil

Lil' Ainjil
Premiere March 19, 1936

Too Many Parents

Too Many Parents
Premiere March 19, 1936

Premiered friday March 20, 1936

Five movies that premieres on March 20, 1936: Everybody's Old Man, Neptune Nonsense, Off to China, Petticoat Fever and Silly Billies.

Everybody's Old Man

Everybody's Old Man
Premiere March 20, 1936

Neptune Nonsense

Neptune Nonsense
Premiere March 20, 1936

Off to China

Off to China
Premiere March 20, 1936

Petticoat Fever

Petticoat Fever
Premiere March 20, 1936

Silly Billies

Silly Billies
Premiere March 20, 1936

Premiered saturday March 21, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 21, 1936: Cherry Blossom Time in Japan.

Cherry Blossom Time in Japan

Cherry Blossom Time in Japan
Premiere March 21, 1936

Premiered sunday March 22, 1936

Two movies that premieres on March 22, 1936: Brides Are Like That and The Great Ziegfeld.

Brides Are Like That

Brides Are Like That
Premiere March 22, 1936

The Great Ziegfeld

The Great Ziegfeld
Premiere March 22, 1936

Premiered wednesday March 25, 1936

Four movies that premieres on March 25, 1936: Brilliant Marriage, Calling All Tars, Everybody's Woman and Little Jack Little & Orchestra.

Brilliant Marriage

Brilliant Marriage
Premiere March 25, 1936

Calling All Tars

Calling All Tars
Premiere March 25, 1936

Everybody's Woman

Everybody's Woman
Premiere March 25, 1936

Little Jack Little & Orchestra

Little Jack Little & Orchestra
Premiere March 25, 1936

Premiered thursday March 26, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 26, 1936: I Feel Like a Feather in the Breeze.

I Feel Like a Feather in the Breeze

I Feel Like a Feather in the Breeze
Premiere March 26, 1936

Premiered friday March 27, 1936

10 movies that premieres on March 27, 1936: Charlie Chan at the Circus, The Story of 'The Jonker Diamond', Betty Boop and Little Jimmy, Caryl of the Mountains, Stepping Into Society, Down the Ribber, El diablo del Mar, Moonlight Murder, O'Malley of the Mounted and The Farmer in the Dell.

Charlie Chan at the Circus

Charlie Chan at the Circus
Premiere March 27, 1936

The Story of 'The Jonker Diamond'

The Story of 'The Jonker Diamond'
Premiere March 27, 1936

Betty Boop and Little Jimmy

Betty Boop and Little Jimmy
Premiere March 27, 1936

Caryl of the Mountains

Caryl of the Mountains
Premiere March 27, 1936

Stepping Into Society

Stepping Into Society
Premiere March 27, 1936

Down the Ribber

Down the Ribber
Premiere March 27, 1936

El diablo del Mar

El diablo del Mar
Premiere March 27, 1936

Moonlight Murder

Moonlight Murder
Premiere March 27, 1936

O'Malley of the Mounted

O'Malley of the Mounted
Premiere March 27, 1936

The Farmer in the Dell

The Farmer in the Dell
Premiere March 27, 1936

Premiered saturday March 28, 1936

Four movies that premieres on March 28, 1936: Elmer Elephant, Heroes of the Range, Road Gang and Vamp Till Ready.

Elmer Elephant

Elmer Elephant
Premiere March 28, 1936

Heroes of the Range

Heroes of the Range
Premiere March 28, 1936

Road Gang

Road Gang
Premiere March 28, 1936

Vamp Till Ready

Vamp Till Ready
Premiere March 28, 1936

Premiered sunday March 29, 1936

One movies that premieres on March 29, 1936: Snowed Under.

Snowed Under

Snowed Under
Premiere March 29, 1936