Cinema Premieres in june 1948

Current cinema premieres in june 1948, like Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin', No Time for Romance, River Lady, So This Is New York and The Fuller Brush Man.

Premiered tuesday June 1, 1948

Five movies that premieres on June 1, 1948: Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin', No Time for Romance, River Lady, So This Is New York and The Fuller Brush Man.

Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'

Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
Premiere June 1, 1948

No Time for Romance

No Time for Romance
Premiere June 1, 1948

River Lady

River Lady
Premiere June 1, 1948

So This Is New York

So This Is New York
Premiere June 1, 1948

The Fuller Brush Man

The Fuller Brush Man
Premiere June 1, 1948

Premiered wednesday June 2, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 2, 1948: Sword of the Avenger.

Sword of the Avenger

Sword of the Avenger
Premiere June 2, 1948

Premiered thursday June 3, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 3, 1948: Blondie's Reward and Green Grass of Wyoming.

Blondie's Reward

Blondie's Reward
Premiere June 3, 1948

Green Grass of Wyoming

Green Grass of Wyoming
Premiere June 3, 1948

Premiered friday June 4, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 4, 1948: Butterscotch and Soda and Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.

Butterscotch and Soda

Butterscotch and Soda
Premiere June 4, 1948

Premiered saturday June 5, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 5, 1948: Everyday Courtesy.

Everyday Courtesy

Everyday Courtesy
Premiere June 5, 1948

Premiered sunday June 6, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 6, 1948: Arizona Sunset.

Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset
Premiere June 6, 1948

Premiered tuesday June 8, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 8, 1948: Give My Regards to Broadway and The Winner's Circle.

Give My Regards to Broadway

Give My Regards to Broadway
Premiere June 8, 1948

The Winner's Circle

The Winner's Circle
Premiere June 8, 1948

Premiered wednesday June 9, 1948

Three movies that premieres on June 9, 1948: Hounding the Hares, La part de l'ombre and Shed No Tears.

Hounding the Hares

Hounding the Hares
Premiere June 9, 1948

La part de l'ombre

La part de l'ombre
Premiere June 9, 1948

Shed No Tears

Shed No Tears
Premiere June 9, 1948

Premiered thursday June 10, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 10, 1948: Design for Death and Pardon My Lamb Chop.

Design for Death

Design for Death
Premiere June 10, 1948

Pardon My Lamb Chop

Pardon My Lamb Chop
Premiere June 10, 1948

Premiered friday June 11, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 11, 1948: Sinister Journey.

Sinister Journey

Sinister Journey
Premiere June 11, 1948

Premiered saturday June 12, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 12, 1948: Bugs Bunny Rides Again.

Bugs Bunny Rides Again

Bugs Bunny Rides Again
Premiere June 12, 1948

Premiered monday June 14, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 14, 1948: The Timber Trail.

The Timber Trail

The Timber Trail
Premiere June 14, 1948

Premiered tuesday June 15, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 15, 1948: Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein and Sing or Swim.

Sing or Swim

Sing or Swim
Premiere June 15, 1948

Premiered wednesday June 16, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 16, 1948: Red Ingle and His Natural Seven and The Iron Curtain.

Red Ingle and His Natural Seven

Red Ingle and His Natural Seven
Premiere June 16, 1948

The Iron Curtain

The Iron Curtain
Premiere June 16, 1948

Premiered thursday June 17, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 17, 1948: The Tioga Kid.

The Tioga Kid

The Tioga Kid
Premiere June 17, 1948

Premiered friday June 18, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 18, 1948: Guns of Hate and Popeye Meets Hercules.

Guns of Hate

Guns of Hate
Premiere June 18, 1948

Popeye Meets Hercules

Popeye Meets Hercules
Premiere June 18, 1948

Premiered saturday June 19, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 19, 1948: Souvenirs of Death.

Souvenirs of Death

Souvenirs of Death
Premiere June 19, 1948

Premiered thursday June 24, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 24, 1948: Flat Feat and Fort Apache.

Flat Feat

Flat Feat
Premiere June 24, 1948

Fort Apache

Fort Apache
Premiere June 24, 1948

Premiered friday June 25, 1948

Five movies that premieres on June 25, 1948: Dig That Gold, Mystery in the Moonlight, Seeing Ghosts, The Rattled Rooster and Waterfront at Midnight.

Dig That Gold

Dig That Gold
Premiere June 25, 1948

Mystery in the Moonlight

Mystery in the Moonlight
Premiere June 25, 1948

Seeing Ghosts

Seeing Ghosts
Premiere June 25, 1948

The Rattled Rooster

The Rattled Rooster
Premiere June 25, 1948

Waterfront at Midnight

Waterfront at Midnight
Premiere June 25, 1948

Premiered saturday June 26, 1948

Three movies that premieres on June 26, 1948: Musical Merry-Go-Round #3, So You Want to Be a Detective and The Bear and the Hare.

Musical Merry-Go-Round #3

Musical Merry-Go-Round #3
Premiere June 26, 1948

So You Want to Be a Detective

So You Want to Be a Detective
Premiere June 26, 1948

The Bear and the Hare

The Bear and the Hare
Premiere June 26, 1948

Premiered sunday June 27, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 27, 1948: Jinx Money.

Jinx Money

Jinx Money
Premiere June 27, 1948

Premiered monday June 28, 1948

One movies that premieres on June 28, 1948: Train to Alcatraz.

Train to Alcatraz

Train to Alcatraz
Premiere June 28, 1948

Premiered wednesday June 30, 1948

Two movies that premieres on June 30, 1948: Canon City and Irving Berlin's Easter Parade.

Canon City

Canon City
Premiere June 30, 1948

Irving Berlin's Easter Parade

Irving Berlin's Easter Parade
Premiere June 30, 1948