Cinema Premieres in january 1922

Current cinema premieres in january 1922, like Any Night, Bobbed Hair, Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests, Nice and Friendly and Peggy, Behave!.

Premiered sunday January 1, 1922

17 movies that premieres on January 1, 1922: Any Night, Bobbed Hair, Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests, Nice and Friendly, Peggy, Behave!, Pure and Simple, Rent Free, Should a Wife Work?, The Ableminded Lady, The Angelus, The Dissatisfied Cobbler, The Glorious Fool, Saw mill, The Unfoldment, Three Live Ghosts, Trapped by the Mormons and Uncle Jasper's Will.

Any Night

Any Night
Premiere January 1, 1922

Bobbed Hair

Bobbed Hair
Premiere January 1, 1922

Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests

Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests
Premiere January 1, 1922

Nice and Friendly

Nice and Friendly
Premiere January 1, 1922

Peggy, Behave!

Peggy, Behave!
Premiere January 1, 1922

Pure and Simple

Pure and Simple
Premiere January 1, 1922

Rent Free

Rent Free
Premiere January 1, 1922

Should a Wife Work?

Should a Wife Work?
Premiere January 1, 1922

The Ableminded Lady

The Ableminded Lady
Premiere January 1, 1922

The Angelus

The Angelus
Premiere January 1, 1922

The Dissatisfied Cobbler

The Dissatisfied Cobbler
Premiere January 1, 1922

The Glorious Fool

The Glorious Fool
Premiere January 1, 1922

Saw mill

Saw mill
Premiere January 1, 1922

The Unfoldment

The Unfoldment
Premiere January 1, 1922

Three Live Ghosts

Three Live Ghosts
Premiere January 1, 1922

Trapped by the Mormons

Trapped by the Mormons
Premiere January 1, 1922

Uncle Jasper's Will

Uncle Jasper's Will
Premiere January 1, 1922

Premiered monday January 2, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 2, 1922: Go Get 'Em Hutch and Shattered Dreams.

Go Get 'Em Hutch

Go Get 'Em Hutch
Premiere January 2, 1922

Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams
Premiere January 2, 1922

Premiered saturday January 7, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 7, 1922: The Deputy's Double Cross.

The Deputy's Double Cross

The Deputy's Double Cross
Premiere January 7, 1922

Premiered sunday January 8, 1922

Three movies that premieres on January 8, 1922: A Barnyard Cavalier, Back Pay and Little Eva Ascends.

A Barnyard Cavalier

A Barnyard Cavalier
Premiere January 8, 1922

Back Pay

Back Pay
Premiere January 8, 1922

Little Eva Ascends

Little Eva Ascends
Premiere January 8, 1922

Premiered monday January 9, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 9, 1922: Wards of the North and Fourteenth Lover.

Wards of the North

Wards of the North
Premiere January 9, 1922

Fourteenth Lover

Fourteenth Lover
Premiere January 9, 1922

Premiered wednesday January 11, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 11, 1922: A Lowland Cinderella and Foolish Wives.

A Lowland Cinderella

A Lowland Cinderella
Premiere January 11, 1922

Foolish Wives

Foolish Wives
Premiere January 11, 1922

Premiered sunday January 15, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 15, 1922: Boomerang Bill and Little Miss Smiles.

Boomerang Bill

Boomerang Bill
Premiere January 15, 1922

Little Miss Smiles

Little Miss Smiles
Premiere January 15, 1922

Premiered monday January 16, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 16, 1922: Don't Get Personal.

Don't Get Personal

Don't Get Personal
Premiere January 16, 1922

Premiered friday January 20, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 20, 1922: Why Announce Your Marriage?.

Why Announce Your Marriage?

Why Announce Your Marriage?
Premiere January 20, 1922

Premiered sunday January 22, 1922

Six movies that premieres on January 22, 1922: Any Wife, At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern, Bride's Play, Handle with Care, Nancy from Nowhere and The Law and the Woman.

Any Wife

Any Wife
Premiere January 22, 1922

At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern

At the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern
Premiere January 22, 1922

Bride's Play

Bride's Play
Premiere January 22, 1922

Handle with Care

Handle with Care
Premiere January 22, 1922

Nancy from Nowhere

Nancy from Nowhere
Premiere January 22, 1922

The Law and the Woman

The Law and the Woman
Premiere January 22, 1922

Premiered monday January 23, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 23, 1922: Peacock Alley and Turn to the Right.

Peacock Alley

Peacock Alley
Premiere January 23, 1922

Turn to the Right

Turn to the Right
Premiere January 23, 1922

Premiered wednesday January 25, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 25, 1922: Circus Clowns.

Circus Clowns

Circus Clowns
Premiere January 25, 1922

Premiered thursday January 26, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 26, 1922: The Cat and the Swordfish.

The Cat and the Swordfish

The Cat and the Swordfish
Premiere January 26, 1922

Premiered friday January 27, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 27, 1922: Beyond the Cross Roads.

Beyond the Cross Roads

Beyond the Cross Roads
Premiere January 27, 1922

Premiered saturday January 28, 1922

Two movies that premieres on January 28, 1922: Noah Put the Cat Out and Years to Come.

Noah Put the Cat Out

Noah Put the Cat Out
Premiere January 28, 1922

Years to Come

Years to Come
Premiere January 28, 1922

Premiered sunday January 29, 1922

Three movies that premieres on January 29, 1922: Billy Jim, French Heels and The Miller and the Donkey.

Billy Jim

Billy Jim
Premiere January 29, 1922

French Heels

French Heels
Premiere January 29, 1922

The Miller and the Donkey

The Miller and the Donkey
Premiere January 29, 1922

Premiered monday January 30, 1922

One movies that premieres on January 30, 1922: The Guttersnipe.

The Guttersnipe

The Guttersnipe
Premiere January 30, 1922